Bo Reimer

For more than 40 years Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 have travelled through space. Included aboard each spacecraft is a “Golden Record” containing sounds and images telling stories of life and culture on Earth. Existing at extreme distance from our planet, the Golden Records live on as echoes from the past, moving continuously through space, and through time.

Tender Time is a collaborative artistic research project conducted by the Medea Lab, Malmö University, Sweden. Taking the Voyager space mission and its Golden Record as a point of departure, Medea Lab invites visitors to explore the vulnerabilities that continue to haunt our current moment of continuous planetary crisis, our own tender time.

Presented as a multimedia installation at the Time Space Existence in Venice (May 2023 – November 2023), Tender Time includes an immersive video projection, an original soundscape composition, a single screen video narrative, printed material with augmented reality experience and a bespoke book designed to collect the written regrets of visitors.

Medea Lab is a transdisciplinary collective of researchers and artists who address cultural and societal challenges through experiments, installations and interventions. The lab is based at Malmö University.

Who is Bo Reimer?

Bo Reimer (PhD) is Professor of Media and Communication Studies at the School of Arts and Communication, Malmö University, and the founding director of The Medea Lab. He is the author of Collaborative Media (The MIT Press 2013, with Jonas Löwgren), and The Politics of Postmodernity (Sage 1999, with John R. Gibbins).


  • To know more about the artist click here!
  • Tender Time has a public website:
  • To know more about the Time Space Existence Exhibition in Venice click here!